Green Silicon Carbide Micro Powder

Silk Road Abrasives’ Green Silicon Carbide is created from high-purity quartz sand and coke in an electric resistance furnace. It’s processed through ultra-fine grinding and classification to form micro-powders. With a greenish transparent color and a hexagonal α-type crystal structure, it boasts remarkable hardness, just below diamond. Its strong cutting ability and stable chemical properties make it ideal for grinding hard, brittle, and non-metallic materials like hard alloys, optical glass, ceramics, semiconductors, and more. Our Green Silicon Carbide particles and powders undergo diverse techniques to optimize their shape, surface, and density.

Physical properties
Crystal Form Hexagonal (Alpha SiC
Color Green
Melting point:  Dissociates at Approx. 2500°C
True Density  3.21 g/cm3
Hardness Knoop (100): 2500 Mohs: 9.0+
Bulk density: depending on grain size
Typical chemical analysis
Silicon Carbide (SiC) 99.25%
Free Carbon (C) 0.05%
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 ) 0.35%
Free Silicon (Si) 0.15%
Iron (Fe2 O3 ) 0.04%
Available grain sizes
(Average grain size)
ds50 value (µm)
FEPA Nr. Standard werte der Mikro-F-Reihe JIS Nr. FEPA Nr.
F230 53±3.0 #240 60±4.0 P240 58.5±2.0
F240 44.5±2.0 #280 52±3.0 P280 52.2±2.0
F280 36.5±1.5 #320 46±2.5 P320 46.2±1.5
F320 29.2±1.5 #360 40±2.0 P360 40.5±1.5
F360 22.8±1.5 #400 34±2.0 P400 35.0±1.5
F400 17.3±1.0 #500 28±2.0 P500 30.2±1.5
F500 12.8±1.0 #600 24±1.5 P600 25.8±1.0
F600 9.3±1.0 #700 21±1.3 P800 21.8±1.0
F800 6.5±1.0 #800 18±1.0 P1000 18.3±1.0
F1000 4.5±0.8 #1000 15.5±1.0 P1200 15.3±1.0
F1200 3.1±0.5 #1200 13.0±1.0
F1500 2.0±0.4 #1500 10.5±1.0
#2000 8.5±0.7
#2500 7.0±0.7
#3000 5.7±0.5
Other grain sizes can be customized and produced according to customer requirements.

Application areas (including but not limited to)

  • Semiconductor Processing

    This includes cutting, polishing, etching, chemical mechanical polishing, and packaging. Its exceptional hardness, cutting performance, and thermal conductivity make it a vital tool for achieving high-precision, high-performance semiconductor devices.

  • Ceramic Cutting and Precision Grinding Material

    Cutting and precision grinding materials for ceramics, hard alloys, new materials, and more.

  • Agate and High-end Jewelry Crafting

    Employed in cutting, carving, polishing, and finishing agate and other non-metal gemstones, enhancing their beauty and value.

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