Green Silicon Carbide Macrogrits

Silk Road Abrasives’ Green Silicon Carbide is manufactured using high-purity quartz sand and coke as primary raw materials in an electric resistance furnace. It exhibits a greenish translucent color and features a hexagonal crystal structure of the α-type, boasting exceptional hardness second only to diamond. With strong cutting capabilities and stable chemical properties, it is well-suited for grinding hard, brittle, and non-metallic materials such as hard alloys, optical glass, and ceramics. The Green Silicon Carbide particles and powders from Silk Road Abrasives are produced using a variety of techniques to optimize their shape, surface area, and density.

Physical properties
Crystal Form: Hexagonal (Alpha SiC
Color: Green
Melting point:  Dissociates at Approx. 2500°C
True Density:  3.21 g/cm3
Hardness: Knoop (100): 2500 Mohs: 9.0+
Bulk density: depending on grain size
Typical chemical analysis
Silicon Carbide (SiC) 99.20%
Free Carbon (C) 0.05%
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 ) 0.40%
Free Silicon (Si) 0.15%
Iron (Fe2 O3 ) 0.04%
Available grain sizes
(Average grain size)
FEPA Nr Granulometry
in µm
F 012: 1400–2000µm
F 014:  1180–1700µm
F 016:  1000–1400µm
F 020: 850–1180µm
F 022: 710–1000µm
F 024:  600–850µm
F 030:  500–710µm
F 036: 425–600µm
F 040: 355–500µm
F 046: 300–425µm
F 054: 250–355µm
F 060:  212–300µm
F 070: 180–250µm
F 080: 150–212µm
F 090:  125–180µm
F 100: 106–150µm
F 120:  90–125µm
F 150: 63–106µm
F 180:  63–90µm
F 220: 53–75µm
Note: JIS and P Standard graded powder is available on request

Application areas (including but not limited to)

  • Wheel Processing

    Used as material for precision grinding wheels (such as magnetic heads) and high-level polishing wheels.

  • Ceramic Cutting and Precision Grinding Material

    Cutting and precision grinding materials for ceramics, hard alloys, new materials, and more.

  • Corrosion-Resistant Materials

    Suitable for wear-resistant, refractory, and corrosion-resistant materials, also applicable in manufacturing rocket nozzles, gas turbine blades, and more.

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